to Apr 24

Body into Balance

  • Healthy Life Solutions (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Take your herbal knowledge to the next level! In this class series we will discuss herbal alternatives, support for common ailments, and how each body system works. Gain the knowledge and confidence to use natural medicine, prevent disease, and promote vitality!

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6:00 PM18:00

Fall Ladies Night Out

Healthy Life Solutions presents…

Fall Ladies Night Out

Friday, November 8, 6:00-8:00pm Cost $49

Pre-Register 740.689.1111 by November 1st   

Join us for a fun relaxing evening celebrating everything Autumn Spice. Create six wonderful items to take home for yourself or to give as a gift. Enjoy the fellowship of friends with delightful charcuterie snacks and a special mocktail. Take time for YOU before the crazy holiday season begins! We will make:

Autumn Spice Perfume Décor Soap in a Tin

Chai Spice Sugar Scrub Apple Cinnamon Lip Balm

Pumpkin Spice Bath Tea Hydrating Hair Oil

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6:00 PM18:00

The Herbal Medicine Circle

Healthy Life Solutions and Lisa Purdy ND, MH presents

The Herbal Medicine Circle

Join us for discussion, reading, and hands-on learning focusing on herbs and natural healing for the body, mind, & spirit. We will be using the book, Herbal Goddess, by Amy Jirsa to learn about a new herb each month. Make & Take home two items using the herb. Come join in the fun, meet new friends, and gain confidence in using herbal medicine!

Cost is $30 per class or take all four classes for $100

Pre-registration required - Call 740.689.1111

September 26 – Healing with Calendula (register by Sept. 17)

October 24 – Wonderful Elderberry (register by Oct. 15)

November 21 – Warm up with Ginger (register by Nov. 12)

December 5 – Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice (register by Nov. 26)

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6:30 AM06:30

Medicine Cabinet Makeover

Medicine Cabinet Makeover Healthy Life Solutions

Taught by Lisa Purdy ND, MH 740-689-1111

What is in your medicine cabinet? Drugs?

Would you like to avoid the side effects, but don’t know what to do instead?

Remake your medicine cabinet – Naturally!

We will talk about natural alternatives to help with allergies, coughs, colds, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, pain, inflammation, stress, sleep, & more.

You can systematically change over your medicine cabinet to natural remedies.

Let me show you how easy it is!

Join us for this FREE class on September 19 at 6:30pm

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6:00 PM18:00

Free Reflexology Demo

Free Reflexology Demo at Healthy Life Solutions

Come join us to learn about Reflexology! Misty Barnes is certified through the Reflexology Certification Institute in Worthington Ohio and brings a willingness to share healing energy with you. Learn how reflexology works, ask questions, and watch a live demonstration.

Tuesday, September 10, at 6:00 – Call to Register 740-689-1111

What Is Reflexology?

We have reflex points in our feet, ears, and hands that correspond to all of the organs and systems in our body. Manipulating these points results in stress reduction, which causes a physiological change in the body. Stress is a major contributor to many illnesses today. Stress reduction can help the body to heal itself.

Three Primary Benefits of Reflexology

  • Reflexology reduces stress and tension and helps with relaxation.

  • Reflexology improves circulation and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

  • Reflexology promotes balance and normalization of the body naturally.

Flowing Energy Reflexology is located in Healthy Life Solutions, 232 W. 6th Ave, Lancaster, OH. Call Misty Barnes 740.652.5714 to schedule an appointment.

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6:00 PM18:00

BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR II – Aging Gracefully

Discuss natural solutions for common complaints such as: anemia, blood pressure, blood sugar, brain injury, cancer, cholesterol, C. diff, depression, flu, heart trouble, artery care, hemorrhoids, kidney disease, osteoporosis, pain, prostate trouble, shingles, sinusitis, sleep, and ulcers. Make & take home: blood pressure support tincture, herbal iron capsules, and brain food.

Purchase the book series by Rachel Weaver M.H.    $24.95 each/all 4 for $90

Be Your Own Doctor   Classes 1 and 2                   Back yard Pharmacy   Class 3

Be Your Child’s Pediatrician   Class 4                     Be Your Own Doctor II   Class 5        

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6:00 PM18:00


Be prepared to care for the children in your life. Herbal remedies can help with common family problems such as allergies, ADD, antibiotics, broken bones, chicken pox, colds, sore throat, earaches, rashes, constipation, motion sickness, muscle cramps, wounds, and vaccines. Make & take home: decongestant support glycerite, garlic salve, and a rice sock.

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6:00 PM18:00


Did you ever wonder if weeds were good for anything?  Yes, they are!  Learn about burdock, calendula, chickweed, common mallow, dandelion, jewelweed, stinging nettles, plantain, poke, purslane, rose hips, teasel, violets, wild lettuce, and yarrow.  Know how to gather and prepare weeds to be used for herbal medicine. Make & take home: calendula shampoo, comfrey/plantain salve, and homemade toothpaste.

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6:00 PM18:00


Be ready for wounds, sprains, burns, bug bites, infection, asthma, pneumonia, appendicitis, and bladder/kidney infections.  Discover the uses of aloe vera, bentonite clay, cayenne, colloidal silver, elderberries, goldenseal, honey, hydrangea, lavender oil, lobelia, marshmallow, milk thistle, mullein, and turmeric.  Be prepared to face health challenges naturally. Make & take home: wound powder, tissue and bone formula, and elderberry syrup.

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6:00 PM18:00


Learn simple remedies you can use in the home: vinegar, castor oil, charcoal, and onions. Be confident in using herbs with your family: black walnut, cayenne, chamomile, cloves, comfrey, echinacea, flax seed poultice demo, garlic, ginger, peppermint, red raspberry, and slippery elm. Make & take home: earache oil, flu support tea, and super tonic.

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6:00 PM18:00

Detox Your Lifestyle

Detox Your Lifestyle – March 14 at 6:00pm   Cost $45 (2 for $70)

Taught by Lisa Purdy ND, MH

Pre-registration required by March 8   Call 740-689-1111

It is not IF you’re toxic, but How Toxic Are You? This class will empower you with the knowledge to live a healthier lifestyle. Change can be overwhelming, but we can help simplify it for you. Learn how and why to detox your body’s personal care products and your home environment. Lots of DIY recipes are included to get you started on the path to healthier living. Come join the fun!

Make & Take home a natural Hand Sanitizer and Detox Tea.

***SPECIAL – 2 attendees or both classes for $70*** (HEALTH BEGINS IN THE GUT)

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10:00 AM10:00


Come join us to learn a little bit about Reflexology, see a demo, and meet Misty Barnes and get to know her a bit. Let's learn about this health technique that could improve our lives and watch how it's done.

When: March 9th at 10AM

Where: Healthy Life Solutions

Here's a few fun facts about Reflexology!

- It is also known as zone therapy. It is believed that the body is divided into 10 zones with 5 on each side of the body. Reflexology is one of the oldest forms of natural treatment and based on the application of pressure.

- It was introduced by an E.N.T. doctor, Dr William H Fitzgerald in 1915.

- It is different than a foot massage. Reflexology is applying certain pressure on specific points that correspond to an organ of body part to promote healing.

- It is a complementary therapy for the body. It looks at the body as a whole, not just specific symptoms of a disease. It is said to promote balance, increase blood and lymphatic flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the cells, and to help with reducing stress and promote relaxation.

- Reflexology sessions last about 45-60 minutes

- Your feet mirror your general health.

- Each foot contains 26 bones, which is 1/4 of the bones in your body.

- We have 26 vertebrae in our spine, which is the same number of bones in our feet.

- There are also 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and tendons in each foot, and over 7000 nerve endings in your feet.

If Reflexology interests you in any way, I encourage you to come out and chat with Misty and see how it's done. Hope to see you there. It's going to be a fun morning.

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6:00 PM18:00

Health Begins in the Gut

Health Begins in the Gut – March 7 at 6:00pm   Cost $45 (2 for $70)

Taught by Lisa Purdy ND, MH

Pre-registration required by March 1   Call 740-689-1111

Having digestive issues? Join us to learn how the digestive system works, what can go wrong, and what you can do naturally to help. Learn about the digestive organs: stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestines. Learn what herbs may help support with ulcers, irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhea, or bacterial infection. What is the difference between enzymes and probiotics? What about leaky gut? Leave with knowledge that can change your life!

Make & Take home a Heartburn Formula tincture and Gut Healing Tea.

Detox Your Lifestyle – March 14 at 6:00pm   Cost $45 (2 for $70)

Taught by Lisa Purdy ND, MH

Pre-registration required by March 8   Call 740-689-1111

It is not IF you’re toxic, but How Toxic Are You? This class will empower you with the knowledge to live a healthier lifestyle. Change can be overwhelming, but we can help simplify it for you. Learn how and why to detox your body’s personal care products and your home environment. Lots of DIY recipes are included to get you started on the path to healthier living. Come join the fun!

Make & Take home a natural Hand Sanitizer and Detox Tea.

***SPECIAL – 2 attendees or both classes for $70*** (DETOX YOUR LIFESTYLE)

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9:00 AM09:00

FREE Essential Oil Scan

FREE Essential Oil Scan at Healthy Life Solutions on Tuesday, February 27. Come in to try it out for yourself. Call ahead to reserve your appointment time 740.689.1111  The hand held iTOVi device combines galvanic skin response, pressure, temperature, and technology to measure small changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin. After just a few minutes the scan is complete and will generate a report specific to you. The result will be listed in order of priority, sent to your email or phone, and will identify physical, environmental, and emotional imbalances in the body. We will then create an essential oil roll-on, made specifically for you. Plan on taking about 30 minutes for a bit of self-care. Normally, these scans are available for a cost of $50, so take advantage of the special to try it at no charge.

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10:00 AM10:00

Living Well with Essential Oils

Living Well with Essential Oils


Saturday, February 24 from 10:00 - 12:00 am

Cost $45 - Call to register (before February 20)    740.689.1111


Are you comfortable using essential oils? They have amazing healing power and are a great tool to have in your toolbox. Join us for a FUN introduction to aromatherapy.

Discover the uses of at least 15 basic essential oils.Learn about safety, quality, and the variety of ways to use oils in your daily life.Discuss the different carrier oils and dilution methods.Create blends to take home!Make essential oils a part of your lifestyle.

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10:00 AM10:00

Natural Health Fair

Natural Health Fair

November 4, 2023 10am-1pm

Healthy Life Solutions

232 W. 6th Ave, Lancaster OH


Meet local practitioners who can support a healthier you. Learn about naturopathy, acupuncture, massage, reflexology, chiropractic, muscle activation therapy, mindfulness, essential oils, herbs and supplements. Shop for gifts, enjoy refreshments, experience free workshops and demonstrations.

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to Oct 31

Be Your Own Doctor Workshop Series

  • Healthy Life Solutions (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Be Your Own Doctor Workshop Series

Cost $300 for all 5 classes/Bring a friend for $200

Receive a Family Herbalist Certificate with the completion of all 5 classes

Attended before and want a refresher? Join us for half price

Preregistration deadline is Sept. 26   Call 740-689-1111


Learn simple remedies you can use in the home: vinegar, castor oil, charcoal, and onions. Be confident in using herbs with your family: black walnut, cayenne, chamomile, cloves, comfrey, echinacea, flax seed poultice demo, garlic, ginger, peppermint, red raspberry, and slippery elm. Make & take home: earache oil, flu support tea, and super tonic.


Be ready for wounds, sprains, burns, bug bites, infection, asthma, pneumonia, appendicitis, and bladder/kidney infections.  Discover the uses of aloe vera, bentonite clay, cayenne, colloidal silver, elderberries, goldenseal, honey, hydrangea, lavender oil, lobelia, marshmallow, milk thistle, mullein, and turmeric.  Be prepared to face health challenges naturally. Make & take home: wound powder, tissue and bone formula, and elderberry syrup.


Did you ever wonder if weeds were good for anything?  Yes, they are!  Learn about burdock, calendula, chickweed, common mallow, dandelion, jewelweed, stinging nettles, plantain, poke, purslane, rose hips, teasel, violets, wild lettuce, and yarrow.  Know how to gather and prepare weeds to be used for herbal medicine. Make & take home: calendula shampoo, comfrey/plantain salve, and homemade toothpaste.


Be prepared to care for your child. Herbal remedies can help with common childhood problems such as allergies, ADD, antibiotics, broken bones, chicken pox, colds, sore throat, earaches, measles, rashes, constipation, motion sickness, muscle cramps, wounds, whooping cough, and vaccines. Make & take home: decongestant support glycerite, garlic salve, and a rice sock.

BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR II – Aging Gracefully   Oct. 31   6-8 pm

Discuss natural solutions for common complaints such as: anemia, blood pressure, blood sugar, brain injury, cancer, cholesterol, C. diff, depression, flu, heart trouble, artery care, hemorrhoids, kidney disease, osteoporosis, pain, prostate trouble, shingles, sinusitis, sleep, and ulcers. Make & take home: blood pressure support tincture, herbal iron capsules, and brain food.

Purchase the book series by Rachel Weaver M.H.    $24.95 each/all 4 for $90

Be Your Own Doctor   Classes 1 and 2                   Back yard Pharmacy   Class 3

Be Your Child’s Pediatrician   Class 4                     Be Your Own Doctor II   Class 5        

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6:00 PM18:00

Be Your Own Doctor Workshop Series

Cost $300 for all 5 classes/Bring a friend for $200

Receive a Family Herbalist Certificate with the completion of all 5 classes

Attended before and want a refresher? Join us for half price

Preregistration deadline is Sept. 26   Call 740-689-1111


Learn simple remedies you can use in the home: vinegar, castor oil, charcoal, and onions. Be confident in using herbs with your family: black walnut, cayenne, chamomile, cloves, comfrey, echinacea, flax seed poultice demo, garlic, ginger, peppermint, red raspberry, and slippery elm. Make & take home: earache oil, flu support tea, and super tonic.


Be ready for wounds, sprains, burns, bug bites, infection, asthma, pneumonia, appendicitis, and bladder/kidney infections.  Discover the uses of aloe vera, bentonite clay, cayenne, colloidal silver, elderberries, goldenseal, honey, hydrangea, lavender oil, lobelia, marshmallow, milk thistle, mullein, and turmeric.  Be prepared to face health challenges naturally. Make & take home: wound powder, tissue and bone formula, and elderberry syrup.


Did you ever wonder if weeds were good for anything?  Yes, they are!  Learn about burdock, calendula, chickweed, common mallow, dandelion, jewelweed, stinging nettles, plantain, poke, purslane, rose hips, teasel, violets, wild lettuce, and yarrow.  Know how to gather and prepare weeds to be used for herbal medicine. Make & take home: calendula shampoo, comfrey/plantain salve, and homemade toothpaste.


Be prepared to care for your child. Herbal remedies can help with common childhood problems such as allergies, ADD, antibiotics, broken bones, chicken pox, colds, sore throat, earaches, measles, rashes, constipation, motion sickness, muscle cramps, wounds, whooping cough, and vaccines. Make & take home: decongestant support glycerite, garlic salve, and a rice sock.

BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR II – Aging Gracefully   Oct. 31   6-8 pm

Discuss natural solutions for common complaints such as: anemia, blood pressure, blood sugar, brain injury, cancer, cholesterol, C. diff, depression, flu, heart trouble, artery care, hemorrhoids, kidney disease, osteoporosis, pain, prostate trouble, shingles, sinusitis, sleep, and ulcers. Make & take home: blood pressure support tincture, herbal iron capsules, and brain food.

Purchase the book series by Rachel Weaver M.H.    $24.95 each/all 4 for $90

Be Your Own Doctor   Classes 1 and 2                   Back yard Pharmacy   Class 3

Be Your Child’s Pediatrician   Class 4                     Be Your Own Doctor II   Class 5        

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6:00 PM18:00

Health Begins in the Gut

Taught by Lisa Purdy ND, MH

Pre-registration required by Sept. 16   Call 740-689-1111

Having digestive issues? Join us to learn how the digestive system works, what can go wrong, and what you can do naturally to help. Learn about the digestive organs: stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestines. Learn what herbs may help with ulcers, irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhea, or bacterial infection. What is the difference between enzymes and probiotics? What about leaky gut? Leave with knowledge that can change your life!

Class Cost - $45

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6:00 PM18:00

Understanding Your Chakras

Taught by Lisa Purdy ND, MH

Pre-registration required by Sept. 9   Call 740-689-1111

Chakras are the energy centers in your body. They are related to mental, physical, and spiritual attributes. Keeping the energy flowing and balanced can help you achieve an optimal quality of life. Learn about the chakras, recognize imbalance, and have the knowledge to correct your own energy. Experience energy balancing through meditation and essential oils, including an essential oil blend to take home.

Class Cost - $45

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1:30 PM13:30

Mindfulness Retreat

Date: Sunday, June 25, 2023

Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm

Cost: $59 per person


An afternoon dedicated to resting, releasing, and rejuvenating. Relax and learn mindfulness practices that you can take back into your daily life. We will let go of our usual tasks and responsibilities and focus on self-care and simply being present in the moment. Cenell creates a "safe container" for us to meet our thoughts and emotions with compassion.  



1:30 pm- Check-In/Welcome (coffee/tea, snacks)

1:40 pm - Introduction to Mindfulness - What is Mindfulness?

2:00 pm - Mindfulness of Breath & Body Meditation

3:00 pm - Mindfulness of Thoughts & Lovingkindness Meditation

4:00 pm - Mindful Movement (chair or standing) Mindful Motion

4:30 pm- Questions & Response

5:30 pm - Closing Thoughts/End of Retreat 


Register by June 23 Call 740.689.1111

Location: Healthy Life Solutions, 232 West 6th Ave, Lancaster OH

Taught by: Cenell Boch M.S., AT 


Join us and see how mindfulness can make a difference in your daily life!

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to Jun 20

6-Week Mindfulness Class

  • Healthy Life Solutions (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

6-Week Mindfulness Class

 at Healthy Life Solutions


Cenell Boch ATC/LAT, PhD-ABD 

Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher


Tuesdays - May 16, 23, 30, and June 6, 13, 20

Time: 6:00 pm

Cost: $49 per person


Register by May 12

Call 740.689.1111


Beginners and advanced welcome!


Each week will discuss a different topic:

What is Mindfulness Meditation, and How to Practice it?

The benefits of mindfulness (e.g., stress reduction and creating balance).

Learn how to deal with negative thoughts, tough emotions, and difficult people.

Easy ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life to experience more peace.


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6:00 PM18:00

Flower Power Class

Flower Power Class Taught by Lisa Purdy ND, MH

Thursdays, April 13 & 20 at 6:00pm 

Cost is $60 - Call 740.689.1111 to Register

Join me as we take a deep dive into the Bach Flower Remedies. Learn how these 38 remedies work to balance emotions and enhance well-being. Want to be more decisive? Less fearful? Get over irritation, anger, or jealousy? Find relief from weariness or feelings of depression? This class will provide you the tools to move forward in your emotional journey.

Class includes a book, two class sessions, and a personalized remedy.

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6:00 PM18:00

4-Week Mindfulness Class

4-Week Mindfulness Class by Cenell Boch ATC/LAT, PhD-ABD 

Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, & 25 at 6:00pm 

Cost is $32 for ALL 4 Classes

Registration Required by March 31 – Call 740.689.1111 

What is Mindfulness Meditation, and How to Practice it?

The benefits of mindfulness (like stress reduction and creating balance in life). Learn how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.

How mindfulness can help with complex thoughts and emotions.

Beginners and advanced welcome!

Join us to learn more and rejuvenate your mindfulness practice.

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6:00 PM18:00

Be Your Own Doctor Workshop Series

Cost $200 for all 5 classes or $50 per class/ Bring a friend for half price

Receive a Family Herbalist Certificate with the completion of all 5 classes

Attended before and want a refresher? Join us for half price

Preregistration deadline is February 28 Call 740-689-1111



Learn simple remedies you can use in the home: vinegar, castor oil, charcoal, and onions. Be confident in using herbs with your family: black walnut, cayenne, chamomile, cloves, comfrey, echinacea, flax seed poultice demo, garlic, ginger, peppermint, red raspberry, and slippery elm. Make & take home: earache oil, flu support tea, and super tonic.



Be ready for wounds, sprains, burns, bug bites, infection, asthma, pneumonia, appendicitis, andbladder/kidney infections.  Discover the uses of aloe vera, bentonite clay, cayenne, colloidal silver, elderberries, goldenseal, honey, hydrangea, lavender oil, lobelia, marshmallow, milk thistle, mullein, and turmeric.  Be prepared to face health challenges naturally. Make & take home: wound powder, tissue and bone formula, and elderberry syrup.  



Did you ever wonder if weeds were good for anything?  Yes, they are!  Learn about burdock,calendula, chickweed, common mallow, dandelion, jewelweed, stinging nettles, plantain, poke, purslane, rose hips, teasel, violets, wild lettuce, and yarrow.  Know how to gather and prepare weeds to be used for herbal medicine. Make & take home: calendula shampoo, comfrey/plantain salve, and homemade toothpaste.  



Be prepared to care for your child. Herbal remedies can help with common childhood problems such as allergies, ADD, antibiotics, broken bones, chicken pox, colds, sore throat, earaches, measles, rashes, constipation, motion sickness, muscle cramps, wounds, whooping cough, andvaccines. Make & take home: decongestant support glycerite, garlic salve, and a rice sock.


BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR II – Aging Gracefully   March 30   6-8 pm

Discuss natural solutions for common complaints such as: anemia, blood pressure, blood sugar, brain injury, cancer, cholesterol, C. diff, depression, flu, heart trouble, artery care, hemorrhoids, kidney disease, osteoporosis, pain, prostate trouble, shingles, sinusitis, sleep, and ulcers. Make & take home: blood pressure support tincture, herbal iron capsules, and brain food.


Purchase the book series by Rachel Weaver M.H.   $24.95 each/all 4 for $90  

Be Your Own Doctor   Classes 1 and 2                   Back yard Pharmacy   Class 3

Be Your Child’s Pediatrician   Class 4                     Be Your Own Doctor II   Class 5​​      


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6:00 PM18:00

Mindfulness Masterclass

Taught by Cenell Boch ATC/LAT, PhD-ABD 

February 21 at 6:00pm – Cost is FREE, please register 740-689-1111

Beat the winter blues with mindfulness meditation and self-care. Come learn 5 new techniques how to practice mindfulness to decrease stress, increase awareness, and bring balance to your life.

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6:00 PM18:00

Valentine’s Day Self Care

Taught by Lisa Purdy ND, MH

February 14 at 6:00pm – Cost $20 

Pre-registration required before February 8, call 740-689-1111

Feeling a little lonely this Valentine’s Day? Come and join me for an evening of comfort and self-care. Experience emotional aromatherapy! Learn how essential oils can help to balance and brighten your moods, help you to let go of burdens, find comfort and encouragement, and inspire you to dream with passion again. Enjoy friendship, chocolate, wine, snacks and take home an essential oil roll-on to continue your healing journey.  

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Make Herbal Medicine Class
6:00 PM18:00

Make Herbal Medicine Class

It is that time of year again, time to strengthen your body to fight off any sickness that comes along this winter. Are you ready? Do you have herbal medicine in your cupboard? Do you know what to do? Are you prepared to care for yourself and your family? Join us for this class and learn about herbs that can help you. Even more fun, make your own herbal medicine!

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