Lisa's Top 3 Picks for Immune Support

I love Fall weather, so cool and fresh. Soon the leaves will be showing us all of their bold colors. Already, my family has had the flu and several customers too. It is time to give a little extra support to the immune system. I have picked out 3 great products to share with you. Stop in and stock up on what you will need to stay healthy this winter. Be prepared!

Headache Story

A lovely young lady came into the shop today looking for answers. She asked about migraines. She had tried medication, which gave her a rash and less than satisfactory results. I told her that migraines are tricky because there can be so many causes. Hormones, allergies, stress, dehydration, chemical exposure….the list goes on.

Let's Talk Poison

Let’s talk poison…poison ivy that is. I found 4 poison ivy plants growing in my landscaping this week. I guess it must like this hot, humid weather. This is one plant that I really dislike. I normally break out with the awful itchy rash and become pretty miserable.

New Year’s Resolutions at Healthy Life Solutions

I have never been a big fan of making resolutions. After all, they usually last about a week and then you are done! I do however like to look back on the last year, evaluate, and set goals for the next season. Setting a goal requires having a way to measure it. So not a vague, “I want to lose weight this year.” But rather, list the exact amount you wish to lose in January. Something measurable and with a time limit. A due date if you will.

Is Your Body Broken?

Is Your Body Broken?

Allopathic medicine and Natural medicine look at the body in different ways. Allopathic medicine says that the body is broken and needs medical intervention to fix it. Natural medicine believes that the body has an amazing ability to heal itself; the body is working, let’s give it the nutrients and support it needs to function properly. These two views sometimes contrast drastically in the way they would treat an illness.

Super Tonic Recipe

Super Tonic Recipe

Super Tonic is one of my family's favorite remedies. I make it every fall and keep it in the refrigerator for the winter cold and flu season. We like to keep the pulp in the tincture and just take a spoonful whenever you feel a bit off. Chase the heat with a slice of apple. This also makes a great seasoning for chicken. I love to add it to my homemade hummus, yum!

Family Herbalist Classes

Family Herbalist Classes

In this class series you will learn how to be a family herbalist. You will know the basic actions of many herbs and how to prepare them and use them. This class is “hands on” and you will make all kinds of remedies to take home. A little afraid of making a tincture or salve? This class will give you the confidence you need to be a Family Herbalist, and you will earn a certificate too.

It's Vacation Time!

It's Vacation Time!

Are you busy planning your vacation? Many of us missed one last year, so we are excited to get going this year. What do you need to take with you to stay healthy and be prepared for travel emergencies? Are you ready for sunburn, constipation, sore muscles from travel, allergies, interrupted sleep cycles, headaches, bug bites, or wounds? Here are some of the things that I won’t leave home without.